Histogram - the most of your digital SLR camera through the understanding of attitudes

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One of the most useful things, a digital camera has been blessed with the so-called histogram, which shows a diagram of how the image was exposed. This histogram often proved to be completely invaluable when it comes to assessing how well the demand, especially since most cameras display has a very limited basis, and it is difficult to assess the risks to the image.

Zero Control: A histogram is a graph that sounds (toblackest black to whitest white) in a digital image. The height of the graph is a measure of the number of pixels that have a certain hue. A histogram can now be seen in most cameras and photo software.

The histogram of the camera can be very useful for assessing exposure. Bar on the top left, so the image), exposed in the dark (during the high bars on the right wing, so that the image is too light (overexposed). It is often said that the picture wasclipped in the shadows and highlights. When the correct exposure is reached, the measure in the entire image histogram.

In an image editing program that will see the histogram is a good help, to see how sounds are affected in various finishing operations may be, as if the image by using the "levels".

Partial Control: The number of tones until the image measured on a scale of 0-255. From black (0) to white (255), with 254 gradationsGray in between. The histogram consists of 256 bars really close to one beside the other.

A histogram with tones only in the middle shows that the image is low contrast. In general, we want the histogram will be stretched across the entire spectrum.

Sometimes the difference between light and dark tones are so large is that the camera to capture the scene in an exposure. In these cases, the histogram is stretched and cut into left and right margins.

TheHistogram should be considered together with the current image. If we take a sunset with the silhouette of the foreground to shoot, we do not want shadow detail sides. A histogram is not clipped always desirable.

Full Control: Since the histogram takes into account the current camera settings, is not always an accurate picture of exposure, if you shoot in RAW format. Very often, the image with a clipped histogram can save in RAW conversion.

Thenormal histogram is based on the overall intensity of the image. A histogram can look good, even if the details are lost in some areas the color is gone. To be really sure we need to consider the histogram of each color channel.

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