How I became a Professional Pooper Scooper

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I was always interested in new and different ideas, particularly ideas to make money.

Since childhood I had little money, make plans. If you pick wild berries in the woods of Maryland, run by a magic show, animal shows, lemonade stands, the daily journey to me, for me occupied and provide sufficient resources to provide me with money. And I also like doing things that are only slightly from normal.

Still .... The first time I heard thatsomeone to clean up the dog people a fee for one week, I laughed - I had to! I had never heard such a thing - one person to clean up the people of the dog for a fee. But the more I thought more sense. I mean, here's a job that has to do, obviously, but many people do not even consider it was.

So I spent the winter of 1987-1988 studying and planning, stay in local libraries in a few hours I had availablebetween the two places that I work full time (which is less than 6 dollars an hour on each of them).

I learned that there are about 100,000 dogs within 15 miles from my house. I had not even one percent of them have enough customers to have to improve my life. I studied how to process large quantities in the shortest time possible. I practiced with different instruments, with "dog waste in simulated time how long it washed up on a farm.

At that time I lived in a smallApartment upstairs, and I did not have a car. But I cherish the memory of a half miles on foot through the snow to catch the bus to work, and kept saying to myself, 'One day I will have more to do this! "I had to take an idea that I knew I wanted to leave, and was not taking money to achieve it.

In the first month of the company, I spent a total of about $ 150 for tools, flyers, tickets and a few small ads. I have a coupleCustomers and immediately made back my initial investment, plus profits, after only a few weeks. And that's how I got into the business of disposing of dog waste service.

Gradually he began to add up to a continuous improvement. Step by step, my business just to keep customers happy and getting bigger. The first car I could buy used just for business reasons, an old Honda Civic, for which I paid was $ 300. But my ever-expanding list of customers. I started the recruitment of workers, if ICould not all my work. Like many people who work for me, I hired someone who knew that a good manager. After a few years ago that the person was able to take more and more of the daily operations of the company.

The service passed the home office and has become an employer of 7 employees, with a fleet of 6 Pickup Trucks - are 650-700 regular customers per week. I made a personal income of more than 45,000 $ per year and most of my time with myFamily, traveling, reading and doing what I like. After ten years, I felt it was time to concentrate on new projects. For me it was time to concentrate on some new ideas, so I sold my company an excellent manager, who continue to improve the business and be able to use customers. Over the years I have had so many requests for information, which I finally did everything on paper. The details of operations, office procedures, current examples of successful marketing materials,Distillation of my ten years of experience in the creation of almost nothing, and a successful service companies thriving, popular and profitable, the disposal of dog waste.

Ten frequently asked questions about the business of dog waste service:

1) "Is this for real!?" E 'sure! I am willing to admit that looks pretty funny at first. But throughout the new national service for the disposal of dog waste has been launched, and customers are signing up for them. Demographic and social trendshave a growing demand for personal services for busy professionals and executives, single parents and people who simply have better things to do than to scoop after their dogs.

2) "How do you pay for this service?" Scoopers are making good profits! About the prices range from about U.S. $ 10 per dog per week more than $ 15 per week. Clean earns an average of 6 meters per hour $ 60 per hour! With 650 clients, I had to check for over $ 20,000.00 per month.Even if you generate only half of what you can no longer rent, they pay a big salary and still net a good profit development for themselves.

3) "What to do with the waste you collect?" The best method of disposal will vary depending on local needs and available resources. Some simply waste in plastic bags and leave them in the garbage of the customer. Other stocks will be a dumpster with another small business, or the waste directly to a local landfill. You must check the rulesin your area.

4) "How do you get clients?" Cost-effective use of advertising and marketing. Successful marketing is a cumulative effect of different means and methods, such as advertising, neighborhood weekly newspapers, business cards, flyers, scripts, voice mail, the signs of the vehicle, and a list of your services in the directory Internet.

5) "How long does it take to clean a yard?" Some smaller yards or run the dog, can be cleaned in minutes. First time or disposable --Clean in a yard that is not cleaned for a year or more may take an hour! - Sure, it will be an additional cost for such work. Overall, I was able to work an average of 6 meters per hour during the week, including travel time. My personal productivity varied between 4-7 meters per hour.

6) "What tools do you use?" Forget those scissor-type "pooper-Scoopers" sold in pet shops. I'm just not for this kind of work. Use a dust pan, lobby, a small shovel and plasticGarbage bags to quickly clean and collect dog waste. You will learn techniques that will allow you to find all that waste in a yard, without losing precious time determined.

7) "What do you do in winter?" Work! Sometimes the snow is pushed one days work, but it melts in general, one or two days and can retrieve later in the same week. Dogs keep doing their thing throughout the year, and if you could not keep up with her during the winter, things can still awful foul by spring.

8) "notThey also clean apartments and reasons for hiring? "Absolutely, most of the work is likely in the yards of family homes, but many professionals Scoopers service account trade. In this type of client each pay hundreds of dollars more a month.

9) "Why would someone pay to clean up dog?" Busy dog owners are happy to pay someone for doing this! Many dog owners need a way of disposing of waste PET, both legal and practical. Some Cities "refuse services to prohibit the inclusion of animal waste with residential waste. Uncollected dog waste is a major contribution to the groundwater. Cleaned yards stink, that annoy the neighbors to take the flight, and lay their eggs on the chair and then on. Animals and people with dirty feet long poop in the house. E 'can provide simple, clean and cost effective solutions to all these problems and much more. Lack of time, physical difficulties, andFactor disgust media, many people are more than happy to pay someone to do this onerous task. Some customers tell us that we too are a godsend "and credit us with the arrest of quarrels in the family!

10) "Is there really a market for this?" Yes! This is a new rapidly growing market. My company has reached 700 customers a week, and is still a new owner. A cleaning service in Colorado, more than 2,000 meters a week! I know two owners of the dog waste in Saint Louis, and some citiessupport services to four or more. Professional pooper Scoopers are now working in Canada, Australia, and in many states of the United States.

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